Rex Ish Post 88 News

1st Vice’s Corner for December.

With the “help” of National’s “DUES REMINDER” mailings we received 31 dues payments in October. For the members who have not had a change to mail their dues – please do so as soon as possible.  Because of those that paid their dues in October, we are now in the “EARLY BIRD” category, which means we had 77.75% paid members ( just over the 75% necessary on Nov.15th to qualify for National’s standard ).

Thanks again to those of you who cared enough to help our Post !

For those of you who absolutely have no means of paying your dues, please contact Commander Wardee Bruce, Service Officer Roy Hedstrom, or myself.

REMINDER: With the holiday/gift giving season on the way, you will get a 10% discount on your purchases as a Veteran (incl. Active Duty personnel) with proper identification at Lowe’s , OSH ( Orchard Supply Hardware ) and Home Depot Stores.

1st Vice Commander, Pieter Hoex 209-620-3948